Repost @nacrooutdoorlearning a great session as ever ⛑️ Great outdoor first aid course this week…

Repost @nacrooutdoorlearning a great session as ever ⛑️ Great outdoor first aid course this weekend thanks to @wilderness_development for our Nacro staff and volunteers and the wider community. Always good to learn new skills and keep existing knowledge up to date with a practical course. Lovely to be joined by Read more…

Repost from @nacrooutdoorlearning 2 Day (16 hr) Outdoor First Aid Course – 15th and 16th Februa…

Repost from @nacrooutdoorlearning 2 Day (16 hr) Outdoor First Aid Course – 15th and 16th February at Nacro GM Outdoor Learning, Wythenshawe Park delivered by @wilderness_development. £100 per person. Please email for more info and booking. More info – @mcrparks_ @friendsofwythenshawepark @blossomhealththroughactivity